Alter Ego CRO Strategy

Get the most effective conversion rate optimization services across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

Conversion rate optimization Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

From broken pages to confusing site structures, there are any number of reasons for a low conversion rate. By identifying the micro-conversions that lead to macro-conversions, like clicking on a product page before buying a product, we can help you identify weak points in your sales funnel and make sure your business goals are achieved more often and more effectively. 

content strategy circle

Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island conversion rate optimization services

Ensuring that your website is easy to navigate and effectively drives conversions is our specialty. Before spending time and money seeking out new traffic, it’s essential to know that your site guides visitors along the paths you want them to take. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) involves a wide range of strategies, from analysis to design, that help you achieve your business goals. CRO makes sure you’re seeing the strongest possible results from current and future inbound traffic.

Opportunity cost

Poor conversion rates leave money on the table, and the number grows as your traffic does

More Sales

Clear offers, intuitive navigation, and smooth checkouts that turn more visitors into customers

More Leads

The most useable sites are the ones people use most. It really is that simple. Make sure people use your site.


A straightforward purchase process and accessible information drive e-commerce sales

CRO marketing Vancouver Island

A strategically planned conversion rate optimization strategy incorporates research about your target audience, your current website performance, and the performance of others in your industry. We put time into strategy and planning so that your website performs at the highest level. 

70% of all eCommerce shopping carts are abandoned before a purchase is made. Alter Ego’s Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) services include conversion audits, sales funnel analysis, and actionable strategies to ensure that more of your visitors become customers, clients, partners, or subscribers.

Full Transparency

Clear deliverables on accurate timelines, regular project updates, and the review process that’s right for you

Dedicated Team

Our local experts bring decades of experience in digital and traditional media together under one roof

We Bring Results

Industry-leading digital analytics tools help us understand your goals, with a focus on high ongoing return-on-investment

Competitive Pricing

From individual entrepreneurs to enterprise clients, we provide customized solutions on your budget

Are you a business owner and interested how you can use internet marketing services to increase your sales and attract new customers? Contact us today to speak to one of our experts about setting up a custom plan for you!